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Pearl Lager Beer (4 of 10) Matchcover Item #24388

"The Gem Of Fine Beer Since 1886"

Ref #:
Match Covers
Grade 9
Atlas Match Corp., Dallas, Texas
Detail 2:
Texas Cattle Brands #4

Famous Texas Brands set matchcover number four of ten.
"Lazy F," Registered by C. L. Martin in Mason and Menard Counties.
"RE," Registered by John M. Elkins in Coleman County.
"Cl," Registered by W. A. Lowe in McMullin and LaSalle Counties.
"Hat," Registered by E. B. Johnson in Hutchinson, Gray and Donley Counties.
"Seven L," Registered I by W. E. Schott in Briscoe County. T ? Ford,? Registered by J. B. Ford in Clay and Montague Counties.
"Forked Lightning," Registered by A. H. Murchison in Menard County.
"Hash-knife," Registered by E. W. Hunt in Baylor County.
?Bar X,? Registered by Sidney Webb in Clay County.
"Y Six," Registered by John Z. Means in Jeff Davis County.


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Product Description

Famous Texas Brands set matchcover number four of ten.
"Lazy F," Registered by C. L. Martin in Mason and Menard Counties.
"RE," Registered by John M. Elkins in Coleman County.
"Cl," Registered by W. A. Lowe in McMullin and LaSalle Counties.
"Hat," Registered by E. B. Johnson in Hutchinson, Gray and Donley Counties.
"Seven L," Registered I by W. E. Schott in Briscoe County. T ? Ford,? Registered by J. B. Ford in Clay and Montague Counties.
"Forked Lightning," Registered by A. H. Murchison in Menard County.
"Hash-knife," Registered by E. W. Hunt in Baylor County.
?Bar X,? Registered by Sidney Webb in Clay County.
"Y Six," Registered by John Z. Means in Jeff Davis County.