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Wednesday, January 17, 1816   Anthony (Anton) Muschal

Anthony (Anton) Muschal was born in the Kingdom of Wurttemberg.  He emigrated to America and settled in Buffalo, New York.  In around 1860 he married Fredericka Duchow, a woman 24 years her junior.  He got his start in the brewing busines in the Albert Ziegele brewery.  By 1863 he had started his own brewery in Frederick Zeller's saloon at 106 Burton Alley.

He ran the brewery for about ten years before dying on the 6th of August, 1872.  He was 56 years of age.  Upon Anthony's death Fredericka took over the brewing operations for about a year, then married Andrew Driskel, the owner of a competing saloon.  Andrew Driskel moved into Fredericka's Burton Alley home.  They brewed there until 1884 or thereabouts, as directories simply stopped listing the Driskel's as brewers any more.

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Anton Muschal of Buffalo, New York, USA

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