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Tuesday, October 15, 1816   Anthony Yoerg

Anthony Yoerg was born. He was the younger of two boys born to Georg Yoerg in Gundelfingen, Dillingen, Bavaria. Yoerg's father died when the boys were teenagers, yet somehow the brothers were able to receive training as brewers.

Anthony emigrated to America in 1845. He settled first in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he met his wife Elvina Seitzinger. They then moved to Galena, Illinois for a time. In 1848 Yoerg settled in St. Paul, Minnesota and started the first brewery in that city. He made an invitation to his older brother's family in German, who arrived in 1857. For the next several years they all worked and lived together in the A. Yoerg Brewery in St. Paul.

Anthony Yoerg died on the 5th of July, 1896. He was 79 years of age. His brewery would continue under his name and family ownership until 1952.

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Anthony Yoerg of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

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