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Tuesday, June 10, 1834   Theodore Weichselbaum

Theodore Weichselbaum was born in Furth, Bayern, Germany. In 1856, at age 22, Weichselbaum emigrated to America, and after spending a few months as a merchant in New York and Kansas City, he found a home in Ogden, Kansas.

In 1862 his betrothed, Fanny Blumenstein arrived from Gunzenhausen. They were married 2 days later. For years he was a successful merchant, rancher, and farmer. Then in 1871, Weichselbaum founded a small brewery in Ogden, where he slaked the thirst of the local farmers for 9 years.

Surely this helped him in his next career, politics. He was elected treasurer of Ogden Township; he was also mayor for a time and postmaster. He quit the brewery business at age 46 in 1880. Theodore Weichselbaum died on March 9th, 1914, at age 79.

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Theodore Weichselbaum of Ogden, Kansas, USA

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