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Tuesday, December 19, 1820   Theodore Runge

Theodore Runge was born in Hanover, Germany.  In the middle of the 1800s he emigrated to America and settled in St. Charles, Missouri.  He fell in love with Emilia Heuser, a brewer's daughter, and married her, and thus was brought in to the brewery business. 

In 1852 his father-in-law Christian Heuser had in established the Spring Brewery in St. Charles, and when he reached the age of 60, he handed over the reins to his son-in-law Theodore.  Runge ran the brewery until he sold out to Jacob Moerschel in 1884.  He retired a wealthy man.

Theodore Runge died on the 30th of May, 1892 at the age of 72 years.  The brewery he guided for 16 years would eventually become the Fischbach Brewery in 1923.

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Associated Breweries

Fischbach Brewing Company of Saint Charles, Missouri, USA

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