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Thursday, January 4, 1849   Charles F. Class

Charles F. Class was born in Wildbad, Calw, in the Kingdom of Württemberg.  His family emigrated to America in 1853, landing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on February 16th.  His father, Charles S. Class, was a brewer and established himself in that trade in the city by purchasing the Ferdinand Steinbach Brewery.

The younger Charles worked in his father's brewery and took over the business at the age of 19, after his father died.  In 1872 He married Julia Horst, creating a union that produced five children.  In 1890 he accepted as partner Julius Nachod, and from then on the firm was called The Class and Nachod Brewery.

Charles F. Class died on May 1st, 1919.

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Associated Breweries

Class & Nachod Brewing Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

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