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Thursday, August 29, 1839   Mattheus 'Mathew' Flaig

Mattheus 'Mathew' Flaig was born in Wurtemburg, Germany.  He emigrated to America at age 20 and established himself in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.  He was a stone cutter by training but in 1859 he opened up the first blacksmith shop in town.  Eventually he found himself drawn to the saloon business.  By 1874 he partnered with Wallace Gakle to form a brewery on East Church Street.  Three years later Flaig bought out his partner and became sole proprietor of the firm.

He gave up the brewery business in 1884, selling out to George Luther.  Flaig by all evidence, returned to the occupation of stone cutter.  Luther closed the brewery in 1888.

Mattheus Flaig died on January 16th, 1911.  He was 71 years of age.

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Matthew Flaig of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, USA

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