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Thursday, April 26, 1855   Carl Christoph Emil Kersten

Carl Christoph Emil Kersten was born in Herzberg, Germany. Kersten arrived in America in 1879 and by 1880 he was cutting his teeth in the brewing business in Jefferson Wisconsin. Four years later he was partner in the Palmetto Brewery of Charleston, South Carolina. By 1891 he founded, with Alfred von Nickisch Rosenegk, the Richmond Brewery of Virginia. in 1897 at age 42, Kersten retired from the beer brewing business and moved to Columbus Georgia to concentrate on inventing. Three years later in 1900 he established the Dixie Brewery on the banks of the Chattahoochee River. He died in 1936.

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Associated Breweries

Richmond Brewery, Rosenegk Brewing Company of Richmond, Virginia, USA

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