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Sunday, June 29, 1845   Philip H. Becker

Philip H. Becker was born in Bavaria.  He emigrated to America in 1866 and settled in Fond-du-lac, Wisconsin., where he and William Wolf operated a small brewery.

By 1871 he had removed to Calumet County where he married Marguerite Voelker.  He worked in the town of Chilton in the brewery owned by Johann Paulus, and he purchased the firm when Pualus died in 1872.  He ran that brewery, working with various brewemasters, until 1885, when he sold out to the Gutheil Brothers.

From Calumet County Becker went to Hurley Wisconsin, where he established the Hurley Brewery in 1887.  Within 10 years he sold that firm and moved once again to Burlington, Wisconsin where he became a brewer for the Finke-Uhen Brewing Company.  

Philip H. Becker died on the 30th of November, 1912 at the age of 67.


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Associated Breweries

Gogebic Range Spring Brewery of Hurley, Wisconsin, USA
Gutheil Bros. Brewery of Chilton, Wisconsin, USA
Philip Becker & William Wolff of Calvary, Wisconsin, USA

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