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Sunday, February 6, 1825   Jacob Muth

JACOB MUTH, saloon-keeper. Burlington; born at Hesse Darmstadt, Prussia, in 1825; he came to New York, in 1846; arrived in Milwaukee, May 1, 1846, and worked in P. H. Best & Bros. brewery for two years; he then went to Sheboygan and built a brewery there, which he operated himself one year, and, in 1849, took in two partners, Joe and Aug. Binz; in 1852, he sold out his interest to them, and came to Burlington; July 30, 1852, he built a frame brewery here, and operated it till 1872, then tore down part of the old brewery, and, with some new additions, altered it into a malt-house, and used it for that purpose till 1876; he then sold the property to the People's State Bank, and started a meat market, but, not liking the business, he sold that to his nephew and opened the saloon he now owns. He married, in Milwaukee, in 1847, Margaret Eimmerman, of Richfield, Wis.; they have five children living – Jacob, Mary, Dora, Emma, and Lilly.
-- The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin, Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1879, pg. 646

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Associated Breweries

Thos. Schlachter & Co. Brewery of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Jacob Muth, Sr. Brewery of Burlington, Wisconsin, USA

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