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Saturday, September 13, 1828   Henry Koenig

Henry Koenig, founder of the Henry Koenig & Co. brewery in Allentown, Pennsylvania, a brewery which would later become the Daeufer-Lieberman Brewing Co., was born in Bavaria.  He married at age 19 but his wife Catherine died in childbirth just a year later.  After this he boarded a ship and emigrated to America.

On the 7 week boat ride to America Henry met and befriended the Daeufer family, including their 20-year-old daughter Fredericka.  The Koenigs and the Daeufers decided to settle in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.   Henry and Fredericka were married there on the 5th of February, 1852.  Together the Koenigs and the Daeufers went in to the restaurant business and by 1860 they were all living under one roof in the residence of their eating house.

Koenig's business gradually became a saloon and by 1869 it was an official brewery-saloon, with his wife's father Jacob Daeufer assuming the brewing duties.  Koenig ran the brewery for only about four years, until his death at age 49 on October 30, 1880.

After Henry's death the Daeufer family took over the brewery.   In 1876 they built a larger facility.  In 1915 they expanded once again by joining forces with the Liebermann Brewery, a partnership which lasted through Prohibition.  They brewery closed for good in 1939.


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Associated Breweries

Daeufer-Lieberman Brewery Co. of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA

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