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Santa Cruz Brewing Co. of Santa Cruz, California, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1894 - 1906 Carl Beck, Big Trees Brewery End of North Market Street
1907 - 1920 Santa Cruz Brewing Co. 15 Neary Street
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown



24th January 1855    

Carl Beck was born in Germany. He emigrated to America in 1875 in order to work with his brother, who was leasing the Santa Cruz Brewery (colloquially known as the Vienna Brewery) on Soquel Av... View More

1894     FoundedCarl Beck, Big Trees BreweryEnd of North Market Street

18th August 1907     Santa Cruz Brewing Co.15 Neary Street


Circa: 1910    


Circa: 1910    


Circa: 1910    

1920 ClosedSanta Cruz Brewing Co.