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Pabst Extract Paper Ad Item #63963

"Your System Needs Such Food As This"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9.5
5 x 7 inch tall (partial page) ad from the Sunday Magazine.
Assists Nursing Mothers
Rebuilds Overworked Physique
Encourages Listless Convalescence
Reinvigorates Old Age
Your System Needs Such Food As This especially at this time of the year when winter has left you so susceptible to the ravages of sickness and disease. At this time, more than any other, your body requires a pure, wholesome, predigested liquid that is easily and quickly assimilated—one that will build up wasted tissues and weakened muscles—one that will strengthen and actually impart energy and vigor and life. That is why physicians everywhere recommend the use of Pabst Tonic a perfect food welcomed by the weakest stomach — containing all the nutritive and digestive properties of pure, rich barley malt and the quieting and restorative qualities of choicest hops in predigested liquid form. It is the ideal spring food — giving men and women just the right energy and strength to take their part in the battle of life.
Pabst Extract. The "Best" Tonic, Is used all over the world to strengthen the weak and build up the overworked; to relieve insomnia and conquer dyspepsia; to help the anaemic and turn nerve exhaustion into active healthy vim; to encourage listless convalescence to rapid recovery; to assist nursing mothers and reinvigorate old age.
Order a dozen from your druggist—Insist upon it being Pabst
Free booklet, "Health Darts" tells ALL uses and benefits of Pabst Extract. Write for it, A postal will do.
Druggists generally sell – Pabst Extract. If yours does not, write us and we will se that you are supplied.

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Product Description

5 x 7 inch tall (partial page) ad from the Sunday Magazine.
Assists Nursing Mothers
Rebuilds Overworked Physique
Encourages Listless Convalescence
Reinvigorates Old Age
Your System Needs Such Food As This especially at this time of the year when winter has left you so susceptible to the ravages of sickness and disease. At this time, more than any other, your body requires a pure, wholesome, predigested liquid that is easily and quickly assimilated—one that will build up wasted tissues and weakened muscles—one that will strengthen and actually impart energy and vigor and life. That is why physicians everywhere recommend the use of Pabst Tonic a perfect food welcomed by the weakest stomach — containing all the nutritive and digestive properties of pure, rich barley malt and the quieting and restorative qualities of choicest hops in predigested liquid form. It is the ideal spring food — giving men and women just the right energy and strength to take their part in the battle of life.
Pabst Extract. The "Best" Tonic, Is used all over the world to strengthen the weak and build up the overworked; to relieve insomnia and conquer dyspepsia; to help the anaemic and turn nerve exhaustion into active healthy vim; to encourage listless convalescence to rapid recovery; to assist nursing mothers and reinvigorate old age.
Order a dozen from your druggist—Insist upon it being Pabst
Free booklet, "Health Darts" tells ALL uses and benefits of Pabst Extract. Write for it, A postal will do.
Druggists generally sell – Pabst Extract. If yours does not, write us and we will se that you are supplied.