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Pabst Blue Ribbon Paper Ad Item #62643

The Beer of Quality

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9.5
Measures 7 x 10 inches tall. From Everybody's Magazine. 1906.
Pabst Extract
When you are tired, fatigued or over-nervous, Pabst Extract is The " Best" Tonic. It will quiet your nerves, strengthen you phys¬ically and give you the vivacity that comes to those who possess perfect health, like the "Pabst Extract Girl."
Pabst Extract is both a nerve food and a body food, for malt is the vital essence of barley, and the Pabst Malting Process transforms all of the nutrition in the barley into the malt from which Pabst Extract is made. There is nothing "just as good."
At all druggists, 25c.
Insist upon the original.
Pabst Extract Department Milwaukee, Wis.
Please mention Everybody's Magazine when you write to advertisers.

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Product Description

Measures 7 x 10 inches tall. From Everybody's Magazine. 1906.
Pabst Extract
When you are tired, fatigued or over-nervous, Pabst Extract is The " Best" Tonic. It will quiet your nerves, strengthen you phys¬ically and give you the vivacity that comes to those who possess perfect health, like the "Pabst Extract Girl."
Pabst Extract is both a nerve food and a body food, for malt is the vital essence of barley, and the Pabst Malting Process transforms all of the nutrition in the barley into the malt from which Pabst Extract is made. There is nothing "just as good."
At all druggists, 25c.
Insist upon the original.
Pabst Extract Department Milwaukee, Wis.
Please mention Everybody's Magazine when you write to advertisers.