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Beer... A Beverage Of Moderation Paper Ad Item #62057

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9
10½ x 14 inches tall.
The C.C.C. preserved not only our forests — but also, over a critical 5-year period, the morale of 2,000,000 of our youth. And helped more mil¬lions of folks back home with checks of $25.00 monthly sent by each boy! With 300,000 boys in 3,000 camps, the Civilian Conservation Corps has im¬proved over three billion forest acres; made 100,000 miles of trails, 4,000 fire lookouts.
in fact the entire 1938 expense of the CCC the $326 million* appropriated by Congress .. . could easily be defrayed from the taxes paid by beer. What the brewing industry means in the task of re¬building America can be judged by one single, significant fact:
Beer Contributes in Taxes A Million Dollars A Day.
*Official Treasury Statement. for the fiscal year of 1939.
YOU may or may not drink beer. But see how the brewing industry helps you: Are you a taxpayer? Brewing contrib¬utes over 400 million dollars a year in taxes to lighten the burden on you. Are you a worker? Beer creates over a million jobs for your fellow-workers and you. Are you a farmer? Beer has made a market for the produce of 8 million farm acres.
In s short years, the brewers of America think they have made a creditable and vital contribution to solving problems of the times, outside the brewing industry. Now they want to solve a problem inside the brewing industry.
They want, you to know where they stand. Brewers cannot enforce the laws . . but they want the making and the dispensing of beer to be an honorable, responsible and respectable business that gives no offense to anyone.
Strict local self-regulation
So, in the typically American state of Nebraska, they have been trying out a new idea: a program to "clean up or close up" law-violating beer outlets. The plan is one of strict local self-regula¬tion, carried out in conjunction with local law-enforcement authorities. We believe it holds great promise. We plan to ex¬tend it gradually, yet widely: a few states this year, a few more states next year, as our facilities permit.
If you, yourself, enjoy beer . . if you regard beer as a centnries-old beverage of moderation . . . a mild, wholesome pleasure, and a privilege for the people . . . then perhaps you'd like to know about this plan. But if you're a critic—portico larly if you're a critic— we'd like you to understand the plan.
A booklet giving interesting facts about beer, and die¬cussing the brewer’s self-regulatory program. Address: United Brewers Industrial Foundation, 27 E. 40th St., Near York, N. Y.

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10½ x 14 inches tall.
The C.C.C. preserved not only our forests — but also, over a critical 5-year period, the morale of 2,000,000 of our youth. And helped more mil¬lions of folks back home with checks of $25.00 monthly sent by each boy! With 300,000 boys in 3,000 camps, the Civilian Conservation Corps has im¬proved over three billion forest acres; made 100,000 miles of trails, 4,000 fire lookouts.
in fact the entire 1938 expense of the CCC the $326 million* appropriated by Congress .. . could easily be defrayed from the taxes paid by beer. What the brewing industry means in the task of re¬building America can be judged by one single, significant fact:
Beer Contributes in Taxes A Million Dollars A Day.
*Official Treasury Statement. for the fiscal year of 1939.
YOU may or may not drink beer. But see how the brewing industry helps you: Are you a taxpayer? Brewing contrib¬utes over 400 million dollars a year in taxes to lighten the burden on you. Are you a worker? Beer creates over a million jobs for your fellow-workers and you. Are you a farmer? Beer has made a market for the produce of 8 million farm acres.
In s short years, the brewers of America think they have made a creditable and vital contribution to solving problems of the times, outside the brewing industry. Now they want to solve a problem inside the brewing industry.
They want, you to know where they stand. Brewers cannot enforce the laws . . but they want the making and the dispensing of beer to be an honorable, responsible and respectable business that gives no offense to anyone.
Strict local self-regulation
So, in the typically American state of Nebraska, they have been trying out a new idea: a program to "clean up or close up" law-violating beer outlets. The plan is one of strict local self-regula¬tion, carried out in conjunction with local law-enforcement authorities. We believe it holds great promise. We plan to ex¬tend it gradually, yet widely: a few states this year, a few more states next year, as our facilities permit.
If you, yourself, enjoy beer . . if you regard beer as a centnries-old beverage of moderation . . . a mild, wholesome pleasure, and a privilege for the people . . . then perhaps you'd like to know about this plan. But if you're a critic—portico larly if you're a critic— we'd like you to understand the plan.
A booklet giving interesting facts about beer, and die¬cussing the brewer’s self-regulatory program. Address: United Brewers Industrial Foundation, 27 E. 40th St., Near York, N. Y.