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Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company of Longview, Texas, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1966 - 1982 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. (Branch) 1400 W. Cotton Street
1982 - 1983 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., subsidiary of Stroh... 1400 W. Cotton Street
1983 - 2014 The Stroh Brewery Co., Longview Plant 1400 W. Cotton Street
  • Still in operation as a brewery (2017).


1966     FoundedJos. Schlitz Brewing Co. (Branch)1400 W. Cotton Street


Old Milwaukee Beer
Old Milwaukee Draft Beer
Schlitz Beer

1982     Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., subsidiary of Stroh Brewery1400 W. Cotton Street

1983     The Stroh Brewery Co., Longview Plant1400 W. Cotton Street

Still Operating