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John Roehm Brewing Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1878 - 1885 Christian Klopfer 2427/2433 North Broad St
1885 - 1888 Broad Street Park Brewing Co. 2427/2433 North Broad St
1885 - 1888 Beitter & Funk (Aka of Broad Street Park ... 2427/2433 North Broad St
1889 - 1891 Gottlieb H. Reitter (Aka of Broad Street Park... 2427/2433 North Broad St
1889 - 1891 Broad Street Park Brewing Co. 2427/2433 North Broad St
1892 - 1903 Golden Eagle Brewery (Aka of Charles H. Schwe... 2427/2433 North Broad St
1892 - 1903 Charles H. Schwerdfeger 2427/2433 North Broad St
1903 - 1920 John Roehm Brewing Co. 2427/2433 North Broad St
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown


1878     FoundedChristian Klopfer2427/2433 North Broad St

1885     Beitter & Funk (Aka of Broad Street Park Brewing Co.)2427/2433 North Broad St

1889     Broad Street Park Brewing Co.2427/2433 North Broad St

1892     Charles H. Schwerdfeger2427/2433 North Broad St

1903     John Roehm Brewing Co.2427/2433 North Broad St


Roehm's Beer

3rd December 1908    

John Roehm, Jr., son of the owner of the brewery in Philadelphia, died at age thirty-six years.

1920 ClosedJohn Roehm Brewing Co.