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Friday, March 24, 1815   Jacob Breunig

Jacob Breunig was born in Elsenfeld, Bavaria, Germany.  he was trained as a brewer in his native land.

He emigrated to America through the port of Philadelphia on March 6th, 1864 and by June was in Jefferson County, Wisconsin and by the end of the year he and his wife Anna (nee Ruecker) had their first son.

He set up a brewery in the town of Jefferson the next year in the alley behind the intersection of Main and Racine Streets.  He and his sons ran the brewery for the next 35 years before finally selling to Joseph Beischel, who renamed the firm the Jefferson Brewing and Malting Company. 

Jacob Breunig died on December 2nd, 1895 at the age of 80 years.  The brewery he started was closed down by Prohibition in 1920.

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Associated Breweries

Jefferson Brewing and Malting Co. of Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA

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