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Friday, July 30, 1824   Ludwig Adam

Ludwig "Louis" Adam was born in Bruchsal, Baden, Germany. He emigrated to America in 1847 and settled in Newark, New Jersey. The following year he married Carolina Müller.

In 1851 he partnered with J. Braun with the intention of forming a brewery on Belmont Avenue. When Braun died suddenly John Liable purchased Braun's share. Together Adam and Liable ran the company for fourteen years. While Adam divested in the brewery in 1866, he continued to work in it until the early 1870s at which point he semi-retired into the saloon business. Ludwig Adam died on March 7, 1894. The brewery he started was purchased by another German immigrant, Liable's nephew Gottfried Krueger. Under Krueger's management the firm became one of the largest of such operations in America, growing in size right up to Prohibition and returning stronger than ever after Repeal. The brewery Ludwig Adam founded finally closed its doors in 1961.

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Associated Breweries

G. Krueger Brewing Company of Newark, New Jersey, USA

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