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Friday, August 12, 1842   Charles W. Sharp

Charles W. Sharp was born in Morrisville, New York.  At age 18 he began his career in Oneida as a dyer.  By 1875 he was listed in the census as a "potions peddaler".  In 1879 he appeared in a city directory as a Birch Beer manufacturer at the corner of Broad and John Streets.  By 1884 he moved his residence and business to 70 Liberty Street.  In around 1890 he moved again to 129 Whitesboro. By 1895 he was listed as a bottler at 911 Bleeker and was an agent for the Gerhard Lang Brewery of Buffalo.  At about this time he was elected President of the Utica Bottlers association and Vice President of the New York Bottler's Association.  In 1906 Sharp leased his bottling works to Otis J. Tillson and retired from the business.  Charles W. Sharp died on the 23rd of January, 1916, at 73 years of age. 

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Chas. W. Sharp & Co. of Utica, New York, USA

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