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C. H. Evans & Sons of Hudson, New York, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1786 - 1835 Benjamin Faulkins base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1836 - 1856 George Robinson base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1856 - 1865 James L. Phipps base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1856 - 1856 Robinson & Phipps base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1865 - 1878 C. H. Evans & Co. C. H. Evans, J. H. Phip... base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1865 - 1878 C. H. Evans & Co. C. H. Evans, J. H. Phip... base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1878 - 1888 C. H. Evans base of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill
1888 - 1928 C. H. Evans & Sons Hill & North 2nd Streets
  • I found some information listed under C.H. Evans and Sons Brewery which seems to list Banjamin Faulkins Brewery as a predecessor of C.H. Evans. The original line for the brewery operated by Evans was started by George Robinson, who was in competition with Benjamin Faulkins. Robinson started in his brewery in 1822 and sold to Evans in 1856. Robinson operated another brewery in competition with Evans, called Waterbury and Peabody. Robinson sold off the physical plant of the Robinson Brewery, but never worked with Evans or share any of his craft skills. While C.H. Evans likes to think they are a decendant of Robinson, they were just another competitor. Faulkins continued to operate in competition with Robinson for over 14 years after Robinson opened his first brewery in 1822. The history on Robinson is scant in the early days because he was not one of the first three successful breweries in Hudson, they being Faulkins, David Coope, and Auchmoody.
  • Links to articles about this brewery :   http://gossipsofrivertown.blogspot.com/2012/10/a-history-of-c-h-evans-brewery.html
  • Links to articles about this brewery :   http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/columbia/hudson2/earlyprogress.htm



Circa: 1786    

1786     FoundedBenjamin Faulkinsbase of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill

1836     George Robinsonbase of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill

1856     Robinson & Phippsbase of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill

1865     C. H. Evans & Co. C. H. Evans, J. H. Phipps, James H. Gaulbase of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill


Begin: 1870     End 1870

1870 - 1870

Begin: 1870     End 1870

1878     C. H. Evansbase of Prospect Hill, formerly Windmill Hill

1888     C. H. Evans & SonsHill & North 2nd Streets


Brown Stout
Checo Evan's Ale
Evans Ale

Begin: 1888     End 1928

1888 - 1928

Begin: 1895     End 1928


Circa: 1895    


Circa: 1900    


Circa: 1905    


Circa: 1905    


Circa: 1907    


Circa: 1908    


Circa: 1911    


Circa: 1913    


Circa: 1916    

1928 ClosedC. H. Evans & Sons