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Vernacular Scenes

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Item #: 55006

Vernacular Scenes (#55006)

Schlitz 16oz Beer Can and Dog (1957)

Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company (Post-Prohibtion)
Milwaukee,Wisconsin,United States of America
Grade 9

Item #: 44949

Vernacular Scenes (#44949)

Stegmaier Beer/Ale (1952)

Stegmaier Brewing Company
Wilkes-Barre,Pennsylvania,United States of America
Grade 9

Item #: 55129

Vernacular Scenes (#55129)

White Rose Stout (1945)

J. Hey & Co. Ltd., Northbrook Brewery
Bradford,West Yorkshire,England
Grade 7.5

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 products)
  • (current)1