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Constant Schnerr & Co. (agents for Fredericksburg Lager Beer) of Sacramento, California, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1883 - 1885 Henry J. Postel, Capital Soda Works (agent fo... 310 J Street
1885 - 1886 Henry J. Postel, Capital Soda Works (agent fo... 1113 Front Street
1886 - 1891 Postell & Schnerr (agents for Fredericksb... 1111-1113 Front Street
1891 - 1897 Constant Schnerr & Co. (agents for Freder... 1111-1113 Front Street
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown


1883     FoundedHenry J. Postel, Capital Soda Works (agent for Ruhstaller Brewery)310 J Street

1885     Henry J. Postel, Capital Soda Works (agent for Fredericksburg Brewing Co.)1113 Front Street

1886     Postell & Schnerr (agents for Fredericksburg Lager Beer)1111-1113 Front Street

7th March 1891     Constant Schnerr & Co. (agents for Fredericksburg Lager Beer)1111-1113 Front Street

1897 ClosedConstant Schnerr & Co. (agents for Fredericksburg Lager Beer)